Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000201_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Wed Nov 19 05:58:02 1997.msg
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From: Keith Hill <Braneloc@mirex.demon.co.uk>
To: amos-list@access.digex.net
Subject: Bubba code release imminent !!!
Status: O
Due to the imminent (like VERY soon) release of my level and code, what
procedures are we following for updates and other people's optimization ?
This needs to be addressed RIGHT THIS SECOND.....
I assume you'll be plugging the code into the menu, and tweaking it a
little bit, but we'll all need a copy of the final code. Perhaps we
should only send copies of the actual procedures modified by each person
for revision control ?? Comments are going to HAVE to be inserted at
the front of each procedure, and sent to all concerned. Perhaps each
procedure should have a revision number on it for safety, with each
person modifying it using a different revision number ??
Something like
procedure wave_one
' Braneloc (19/11/97)
' Giark (20/11/97) [ok]
'.... whatever.
..with the [ok] being agreed by the original programmer ??? We definately
need some kind of revision control, and I don't want my code getting out of
For reference (on my level at least) if you make any modifications to my
code (any of you), the revisions should be emailed directly to me with what
you've done, and I'll [ok] it and send on to Giark. Sound alright ??
The new demo of my level is coming very soon, and final wave design will be
shortly afterwards. I'll send another email to the list when the file goes
to Giark.
_ _ _ _ _ _ |
|_> |_| |_| |\ | |_ | | | / | | "640k should be enough for everyone"
|_> | \ | | | \| |_ |_ |_| \_ . | - Bill Gates
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